Monday, April 3, 2017

Don't Smoke and Game

Smoking Cigarettes: a lot of us do it. It's a really bad unhealthy habit. I started smoking when I was 17 and I smoked all the way up until I was 31. I'm 32 now and still smoke free after a year. I wont lie. It wasn't easy to quit. I tried multiple times over the years but it never took. Gaming was closely tied to smoking because I would either smoke while playing or I would take frequent breaks to smoke while I played.

While I was trying to quit I would start playing a game and when I got to the point where I would normally break for a smoke I just didn't know what to do with myself. What helped me this time around is that I decided to take a break from the game, and either go get a light snack of some kind or switch to another game. It worked and now I'm completely nicotine free. It's been an amazing experience for me. I go to the store and I can smell the food. I can smell the flour, sugar, and bread. I also don't get winded as easily. If you're a smoker trust me you may not smell it but other people can smell you.

I decided to stop because I got to the point that I felt physically ill after I smoked. I recently lost my fiance to heart failure. A situation that was no doubt made more severe because of his smoking. We each smoked about a pack a day. It doesn't sound like to much does it? Trust me even a little is bad for you. In the end he quit smoking about a month before he died, but it was already too late. He was already running on a pace maker with 10% of his heart working. As you can imagine this was another driving factor for me to quit.

As for how I did it; I used patches. The patches helped me replace my source for nicotine, and my new approach for how I handled my gaming hobby replaced the behavior. If you really want to quit give my method a try. I don't even need nicotine anymore. I still run into situations where I would want another cigarette but my body is no longer dependent on it, so it's easy to ignore. Anyway I hope my little blurb on this either inspired or helped whoever reads this. See ya around!

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